Sunday, April 21

The Telephone Game on Steroids

I was in linguistics class one day, when I thought of a question, and that question was this: "What would happen if we played the telephone game, but each person spoke a different language?" 

The answer: "Mass confusion"

Dinosaur: "A jet an aj!" (translation, since that writing system wasn't made for English: "I just want a hug!")
Scroll: "The* saur seems to be speaking in a sad manner."
Horned cave-beast: "What does it mean?"
Stickman #1 (in case you can't read my writing): "This is either a dream, or a really elaborate prank."
Stickman #2 (in French): "What did you say?"

*It actually reads something like "Shuh", but that's because I spelled it wrong and used the letter for "sh" instead of "th".

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