Sunday, December 2

And Then There Were Photos

During this fine November that we had, I took some pictures with my camera. Hier sind sie! :D

We had a rather large dump of snow partway through the month.
This was the aftermath.

This is my baby nephew. He was born not too long after
the Big Snow Dump, but I'm positive the two events aren't related. :P

That white thing in the sky? That's the sun. The clouds were so
thick that day that you could look right at the sun without
hurting your eyes. It was crazy.

Speaking of the sun, this is a sunset. I took the picture while
walking home from the bus stop. Which means it was only
about 4:30. Must be winter.

This post just wouldn't be complete without the creepiest find
of the month. I discovered this a few days ago when I got
home. No one else was in the house, so I had no idea
what the heck I was looking at. Apparently, it's a wig holder.
I'm convinced it's of alien origin.

There you go. My month in a nutshell. Just the nutshell, though. The actual nut part seems to have gone missing. It's okay; it was mostly boring university stuff anyways. :P :)

How was your November?