Friday, November 16

Power to the Powerless

This picture comes from a scene that will appear in the fifth or sixth book of the fantasy series I'm working on, when a certain character sees that dragon for the first time. The dragon isn't actually that big in comparison to the person, but it appears that way to her, because it is so very powerful and she feels so powerless.

And I really, really want to say more than that, but then I'd be giving spoilers, and that's just not allowed.

Oh! Also, this drawing was done in pencil, and I darkened the lines via my computer. I may colour it at some point, mostly because the perspective is a little wonky right now. It's not incorrect; it's just that it's hard to tell how everything works because it's all just lines at the moment... but I like the lines. So there. :P

From Doodle Thursday: The Two Sides of Forgetting

The beast in the corner represents the inner experience of forgetting, which is not easily understood by others without explanation. The Silent on the bottom represents the external experience of forgetting, which is what people think of when they think of that word.

Basically, it's a contrast between idiosyncratic and stereotypic experiences of the same mental activity.

If I wanted to take the time to improve this, I'd make that Silent look more like it's supposed to, but this is probably rather good, considering that they're aliens from Doctor Who that people forget the look of when they can't see them. :P Here's what they're supposed to look like:

I also doodled a little monster today that I found entertaining. I think I'll call him Ronald.

But back to forgetting: Do you think there's a difference between how you experience forgetting internally, and how the average person forgets? (Yes, I like asking philosophical questions about my doodles. They lend themselves well to that. :) )

Thursday, November 8

Doodle Thursday: A Gentleman Octopus

I learned something very interesting about the octopus today:

Gentleman Octopus is very confused, people. VERY CONFUSED.

In related news, I wanted to show you what the rest of my page of notes looked like, because I was having fun with fractals:

And all those numbers around the big triangle? I was counting the number of right-side-up triforce symbols there were in it.

I'm geeky and I know it!


But now I'm curious: What's the correct plural for platypus? And is cacti also the wrong plural for cactus?!? OH THE HUMANITY!

Wednesday, November 7

Winter at Its Finest

Nadin is a major character in my fantasy series, and I wondered, if a camera got imported into his world, what kind of picture would he want of himself? Turns out, just before the first book, he was very optimistic about life. This would be a picture of him, standing on a roof somewhere, celebrating such a beautiful winter day.

It was either this or a picture of him laughing, and I really did try that, but it was turning out rather ugly, so I stopped and went with this approach instead. :)

What's interesting is when the happiness of this picture is compared to his theme song:

They seem so odd to me, together like that, and yet I know they're perfect for him.

What do you think? Are you able to get a sense of who Nadin is from these?

Tuesday, November 6

Life and Death

This is the art for Nov 4th. It was done to represent how I was feeling, and it's also meant to provoke meditation. I drew it in pencil, then adjusted the look of it after scanning it onto my computer.

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses." ~Deuteronomy 30:19a (NIV)

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." ~Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

"For as [a person] thinks in his heart, so is he." ~Proverbs 23:7a (NKJV)

"...there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." ~Romans 8:1-2 (NIV)

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" ~2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV- 1984)

"Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him." ~Deuteronomy 30:19b-20a (NIV)

Saturday, November 3

Outtakes from Yesterday and a Sentient Fuzzball

Today's piece of art is what happens when I have only two minutes to art and a pen with a highlighter on one end to do it with. I call him Fred.

And now, as promised, the outtakes from yesterday, with no modifications to colour. Here's what was going on on the rest of the paper my drawing was on:

The other doodles were things I was considering to be a part of the whole thing, the writing is from when I was trying very hard to make that darn pen to work, and all the random swaths of colour are from testing pencil crayons to see if their colour matched the one in my head.

But you're wondering what on earth all that writing says, so here's everything rotated so that you can read that block of text. You'll have to open it in a new tab or window in order to see a bigger version of the picture and, thus, the words (or you can zoom in).

Can you find all the pop culture references? *grins*

Friday, November 2

Pearl of Great Price

This started out as a doodle on a large piece of paper. This ended up being my favourite section of it, so I darkened the lines and then, with fear and trembling, coloured it. I honestly haven't fully coloured a drawing for years, because I don't like messing things up that are already looking good. But, today, I decided to be brave. :)

Also, the colours are really light in the original version, so I played around with levels a bit once I got this onto my computer in order to make the colours clearer. I think it turned out pretty well, if a bit faded. (Note to self: Next time, do not adjust the slider to the far right. Also, find out what its proper name is because the urge to just say "thingy" is overwhelming)

One thing I would do to fix this if I had the time is erase that random line near the bottom left corner and also add in my signature in the bottom right hand corner.

I was going to ink all the lines on there, too, but that didn't work out because my pen decided to be really crappy and had lots of air bubbles. This resulted in some fun outtakes, though, which I'll post tomorrow (with no colour alterations whatsoever). I would have posted it today, but the image was too big, it's late, and I'm too tired to shrink it properly.

Thursday, November 1

Doodle Thursday: Spaceship and Gimpy Vase

This is the spaceship I doodled during my evening class. The lines on either side of the tail represent waves of energy displaced as the ship swims through space like a fish.

I also doodled a vase during my afternoon class, which ended up being a gimpy version of a word as the sound of it appears in my head. Not sure which word, though. All I know is I got it wrong, so now it's sad and deformed, but still interesting-looking.

Actually, now that I think about it, that could be an organ of some kind. It's definitely organish when flipped:

I think it looks like a heart. What do you think?